Friday, September 18, 2009

Asajj Ventress

The Story of Asajj Ventress (Part 1)

Asajj Ventress


Species: Rattataki
Gender: Female
Height: Close to 6 Feet tall (tall for a woman)

Weapon: Saberstaff (twin blades that are joined together or could be wielded separately)
Language: English
Homeworld: Rattatak
Role: Rouge/ Dark Jedi

Skills: Jar'Kai practitioner (style of swordplay that utilized dual-blades), Master of Force speed (a core force power that allowed the user to maintain sprinting speeds for a brief time)
Known for: Unique appearance (bald headed woman, wearing wardrobe in battle)


Personal Assistant:
Since i am the author of this "If Star Wars is Real" scenario, I personally like to hire Asajj Ventress as my personal assistant. Why? Based on history, she is really not evil but just confused. Her parents were killed by a warlord when she was just a child. Although she was trained in a Jedi arts, she has a feeling that she was abandoned by most of the Jedi. (Her mentor was killed who was a Jedi). And in some way she was influenced by Count Dooku to joined his Seperatist movement.
All in all, these negative effects moved her to be a Sith aspirant. I can change that if she is to be my personal assistant. How to convince her, i really don't know.... but i can start by wooing/ courting her. Not to be my wife or girlfriend but to be my personal assistant.
If she is to become my personal assistant, she must be with me whenever i make business transactions. She will just be at my back....observing. If she notice that something is brewing (people who wants to take advantage of me), she will quickly draw her saberstaff. You know what happens next do you?

Glamour and Charisma:
A woman who is almost 6 feet tall, bald and with tattoos, a double bladed sword, her unique dress, and with good combat skills. Where can you find a woman like that? Well, that's Asajj Ventress for you in a nutshell. She may not be that good looking but who cares right. You are not going to marry her or something.
Her State of Mind:
Like i said, she is confused. What if can't turn her to the good side? She won't even have 2nd thoughts of killing me. A big challenge for any invidual who wants Ventress to turn good.
Ever heard the song of Micheal Jackson "The Girl is Mine". Well i like her to be my girl. My personal assistant girl. Anybody would like to bid against me?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A99 Aquata Breather

A99 Aquata Breather
Type: Rebreather
Price: 350 Republican Credits
Weight: 0.2 kg
Range: 2 hours
Purpose:  a small breathing apparatus that allowed oxygen-breathing lifeforms to survive underwater, in space, or among noxious gas for up to two hours.
Light weight:
At 0.2 kg vs the traditional oxygen tank that is being used for Scuba diving. Which one would you prefer?
Do you want to go submersed under water for one day. Just bring a dozen of A99 Aquata breather and your all set to go. What will the Scuba Divers have to say on this equipment?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009





System: Hoth system

Population: None
Surface Water: 100% (Mostly frozen)
Moons: 3
Climate: Frozen


Your very own Planet:
Just imagine you and your partner all alone on this isolated planet. No noise, no traffic, no rush hour, no crime, no laws to follow. Just peace and tranquility. You could go to any kind of winter sports. From ice skating, snowboarding, skiing, sledding, any outdoor activity imaginable.

You will have the chance to govern this planet because you're the only human that lives there. You are in control.

Tauntauns would be your main source of transportation.

These creature are omnivores and gentle. Since you govern this planet, you will have a herd of tauntauns all to yourself. 


Cold Weather:
Hoth is a planet that has only one climatic zone. No Spring, no Summer, no Autumn. So you will have Winter all season long. At first you will enjoy that climate but you will get bored in the long run. And by the way, did i tell you that the average temperature of this planet is around Negative 61 degrees celsius.

The daytime temperatures of Hoth were bearable for properly dressed humans, but the Hoth nights are too hostile even for the native creatures.

Oh I forgot to mention about Wampa.

The got most of the physical features of a Polar bear but their difference is they can stand only using their hind legs.
Wampas are lethal predatory beasts. They possessed long, powerful arms, razor-sharp claws capable of carving layers out of ice, and a fanged maw. Just be on a look-out whenever you are outdoors because Wampa's could include you on their food chain.

Overall, If you like this kind of weather then this planet might suits you. You can named your planet according to your interest. You can name it after your own name.
Do you have more suggestions on what to do on this planet?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Eeth Koth

Eeth Koth


Species: Zabrak
Height: 5'6" Feet
Weapon: Lightsaber
Language: English
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Skills: Crucitorn was a Jedi technique for transcending physical pain beyond normal thresholds.
Known for: Member of the Jedi High Coucil. Renowned fir their mental discipline, which allows them to tolerate great physical suffering.


With Jedi skills and the ability to use "Crucitorn", Eeth Koth will be an excellent bodyguard. People with high reponsibilities and duties like the Pope, Prime Minister, or the President will certainly need a Jedi like Eeth Koth.


None. Having a Jedi around is a privilege.

Trivia: Eeth Koth and Darth Maul are both Iridonian Zabrak. The Iridonians are humanoids whose most distinctive feature is the array of small horns on top of their heads.

How about marrying a Iridonian. Your offspring will possibly have horns on their heads. Unique in a lot of ways.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Species: Surgical Droid
Height: 5 Feet
Language: English
Manufacturer: Geentech Corpporation
Skills: Medical diagnostic, Modular arm attachments, Surgical operation, Hypodermic injectors, Medicine dispensers
Known for: Rebel Alliance Chief Surgery/ affixed Luke Skywalker with a cybernetic hand after Luke's confrontation with Darth Vader on Bespin.

Medical Expertise:
Will benefit Hospitals that are in dire need of Surgical doctors. And mind you that this specific droid can work and operate 24 hours, 7 days a week. No salary, no day-offs, no emotional attachments, not getting sick, etc. It is all automatic. Imagine having 2-1B units in hospitals and clinics. Definitely a big addition to your medical staff.


None that i know off. As long as you maintain and do any necessary repairs to the 2-1B droid, you will do just fine.

Isn't it nice and convenient for you if you have a 2-1B unit at home. It is like having a family doctor who stays at home majority of his time. Free consultation and medical check-up. Say, do we have this on E-bay? I want to have one. 


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Admiral Conan Antonio Motti

Admiral Conan Antonio Motti


Species: Human
Height: 5'6" Feet
Weapon: His self proclaimed Death Star
Language: English
Role: Head of Naval operations and an Imperial officer who served onboard the Death Star
Known for: Darth Vader once "Force-Choke" (immobilization and choking, which with prolonged focus, could lead to death. The area affected was typically the target's neck.) Admiral Motti for insulting the Sith's beliefs.


None. This guy is pure evil. What can you benefit from that?



Betrayal and Deception:
Admiral Motti has an extreme desire to overthrow his superiors and has the ambition of being the Chancellor (the number one ruler in the entire universe). With that motive, Motti will act like he is being loyal to his boss but that is just an act to catch his boss off guard and might possibly kill his boss. His ultimate dream is to be the Chancellor and with the Death Star at his disposal, the admiral will certainly rule the world. 

No army will have the desire to recruit this guy. Would you? Just a thought, what would it feel like having a "Force-Choke" experience? You can e-mail Darth Vader and make a request. Just tell him not kill you permanently. 

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Salacious B. Crumb



Species: Kowakian monkey-lizard
Height: 2'3" feet
Weapon: Laughter (Yes, laughter) Kowakian monkey-lizard used their very high pitch laugh to scare predators away.
Language: I guess it's still laughter
Homeworld: Kowak
Role: Employed as a Court Jester for Crime lord Jabba the Hutt
Known for: Known for his shrill laugh and sadistic sense of humor


In my own opinion, i don't really see any good advantage on this monkey-lizard. But let me try to look for some.

Laughter is the Best Medicine:
Since Court Jester is not that famous nowadays, i strongly suggest to use this pest by turning his negative and annoying trait into a positive vibe. We could send Salacious to Hospitals in order to give joy and laughter to patients. On the plus side, the Hospital Administration is not obligated to pay the Kowakian any money. Remember that Salacious used to serve Jabba the Hutt for free. Giving food to Salacious will be enough.


Annoying Pest:
Only Jabba the Hutt is the only life form that is amazed by the jokes of this Kowakian. The rest are against him or not in favor of. Even the right hand man of Jabba is offended by this creature.
Your kids won't like this monkey-lizard. Everybody you know will not be impress by this creature.

Nasty kids will benefit from Salacious in a way of insulting other kids. Nice! I don't like this creature. Do you want it? You can have it! Take it, it's yours.

Friday, September 11, 2009

T-65 X-wing starfighter

T-65 X-Wing Starfighter


Model: T-65 X-Wing Starfighter
Price: 149,999 Republican Credits
Lenght: 12.5 Meters
Maximum Acceleration: 3,700 G
Crew: 1 Pilot/ 1 Astromech Droid
Cargo Capacity: 110 Kilograms


State of the art Firepower:
The X-wing carried four Taim & Bak KX9 laser cannons, along with dual launch tubes for proton torpedoes.This could destroy an entire city. Other warheads, such as concussion missiles, could be fitted as an alternative secondary weapon. If one country has a X-wing starfighter, the enemy will immediately concede

To aid in the firing of these weapons, an ANq 3.6 tracking computer was installed, giving pilots advanced tactical imagery to target, aim, and launch the torpedoes. This tracking computer had a success rate of 98.7%. So even if the pilot is blind or is in no condition to fly, the pilot will just have to rely on the spacecraft advanced technology.

Speed, Speed, Speed:
Sublight propulsion was generated by four Incom 4L4 fusial thrust engines, which gave the starfighter relatively fast space and atmospheric speed. Wanna fly from the U.S. to Hawaii and back? Flying with the X-wing could take you just a few seconds.The X-wing, unlike most fighters of the TIE series, was equipped with a hyperdrive. This made it capable of entering hyperspace. How about Mars, the possibilities are endless.


149,999 Republican Credits!! How much is that? It's "Priceless"! All you can do is take a picture with your family or friends like going to a museum. Or you can post an image of the X-wing starfighter on your room.
How about a wallpaper on your computer? That sounds good isn't it?

But if you could steal 149,999 Republican Credits, would it be nice to turn this into a business venture. You can make your own Airline. You would monopolize the business since most of the rich people would prefer to save time even if they spend a large amount of money. This could kill the airline industry and can make you a fortune on your end. What do you say?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wedge Antilles



Species: Human
Height: 5'6" feet
Vehicle: T-65 X-wing starfighter
Language: English i guess
Homeworld: Corellia
Role: Starfighter Pilot
Known for: Death Star's Pain in the Neck (Wedge is responsible for helping Luke Skywalker destroy the 1st Death Star and for annihilating the 2nd Death Star by damaging the power regulator on the core's northwest tower)
Wedge is also known for the "greatest
ace" pilot in the Rebellion


Air Combat Operations:
Ever heard of the T-65 X-wing starfighter? It is like a fighter aircraft but 20 times much powerful. Wedge has dog fighting prowess not only on air but in space as well. He is a legendary starfighter pilot and an elite starfighter squadron. He has been to so many battles and has survived most of the skilled enemy TIE starfighters even the dreaded Death Star. Make no mistake, Wedge Antilles will be Airforce's Top Gun.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an agency of the United States government, responsible for the nation's public space program. Since February 2006 NASA's self-described mission statement is to "pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research."
NASA's ongoing investigations include in-depth surveys of Mars and Saturn and studies of the Earth and the Sun. Other NASA spacecraft are presently en route to Mercury and Pluto. With missions to Jupiter in planning stages, NASA's itinerary covers over half the solar system.
On September 28, 2007 Michael D. Griffin, who was at the time Administrator of NASA, stated that NASA aims to put a man on Mars by 2037.
Are you kidding me? Can you just erase the text above and just call Squad Leader Starfighter Pilot Wedge Antilles. This will save us billion of dollars on research, planning, overhead cost, constructing a spacecraft, etc. Wedge has traveled to more than 100 billion galaxies using his T-65 X-wing starfighter. He could bring us the information we needed in minutes, not in decades! Like in the Air force, Wedge would be an great asset to NASA. He is an expert ship mechanic. Wedge also invest a great deal of time in creating or enhancing new ships designs.


Star Wars currency is Republican Credits. Which is far more than the value of Pounds and American Dollars. Can you just imagine how much is the salary of our starfighter Antilles. Even if we negotiate, we won't even come close to the vicinity of Wedge's expecting salary. Unless of course you are planning to start a rebellion. Then there's a possibility of getting the services of Antilles.

There you have it. I am pretty sure you are dying to get Wedge's contact numbers just to ride his spacecraft and travel to different galaxies. Would like to be the first one to try?

Monday, September 7, 2009




Nickname: "Chewie"
Species: Wookie
Height: 7 feet and 4 inches
Weapon: Bowcaster
Language: Shyriiwook (composed largely of grunts and growls)
Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Skills: Has enormous strength, and a skilled mechanic
Known for: Constant companion of Han Solo, co-pilot/first mate of the Millennium Falcon


Ever wonder what would it be like having Chewbacca around your house. For starters, your children will be delighted. Imagine your daughter putting up ribbons and hairbands on Chewbacca's hair and head. To them it is like having a stuff toy, a doll, and a dog rolled into one.

Security and Protection:
If you have a son, i am sure they won't mind having a wookie around. Chewbacca might come in handy in school, those bullies won't be intimidating your kid anymore. They won't dare cause Chewbacca might pull their arm out of their sockets.
This mighty wookie can chaperoned your teen-age daughter at the prom. And if things get out of hand and our prized wookie is outnumbered, he can bring along his bowcaster (a powerful bow and arrow gun).

Mr. Fix-It:
How about house chores? No problem, throwing the trash, fixing the roof, doing the laundry. You don't have to hire a maid, a plumber, a electrician, etc. You could save a lot of time and money.

Personal Driver:
Did i mention that Chewbacca is the co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon and a skilled mechanic. Chewbacca could be your personal driver. How convenient!

Overall, aside from Chewbacca's skills and charmed, his number one asset is loyalty. This wookie greatest strength is not from the outside but from the inside. He is faithful, dependable, devoted, and trustworthy.


Life Debt:
In order to have Chewbacca's full service you should have what you call a "Life Debt". Meaning you should save Chewbacca's life at one particular incident and the wookie will owe you his life. And Life Debt is a valuable part of the Wookie culture. How should i do that? Will i risk my life for Chewbacca's undying servitude. Well, that's the price of Chewbacca! Take it or Leave it!

Language Barrier:
Anybody who knows how to speak Shyriiwook please raise your hands. Shyriiwook? Where in the world is that? You need another Star Wars character like C-3PO or Han Solo to do the translation for you. If you don't have that, you are in big trouble.

What made you think that Chewbacca would fall on your lap instantly. But Chewbacca's owes me a Life Debt! Finder Keepers Baby! First come First serve! Anybody would crave for a wookie like that. With Chewbacca's height and enduring strength, Basketball teams in the NBA will also risk their lives to get Chewbacca's services.

So there, that is Chewbacca in a nutshell. What can Chewbacca do for you? You can leave a comment in order to convince Chewie to come to our world.