Monday, September 14, 2009


Species: Surgical Droid
Height: 5 Feet
Language: English
Manufacturer: Geentech Corpporation
Skills: Medical diagnostic, Modular arm attachments, Surgical operation, Hypodermic injectors, Medicine dispensers
Known for: Rebel Alliance Chief Surgery/ affixed Luke Skywalker with a cybernetic hand after Luke's confrontation with Darth Vader on Bespin.

Medical Expertise:
Will benefit Hospitals that are in dire need of Surgical doctors. And mind you that this specific droid can work and operate 24 hours, 7 days a week. No salary, no day-offs, no emotional attachments, not getting sick, etc. It is all automatic. Imagine having 2-1B units in hospitals and clinics. Definitely a big addition to your medical staff.


None that i know off. As long as you maintain and do any necessary repairs to the 2-1B droid, you will do just fine.

Isn't it nice and convenient for you if you have a 2-1B unit at home. It is like having a family doctor who stays at home majority of his time. Free consultation and medical check-up. Say, do we have this on E-bay? I want to have one. 


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