Monday, September 7, 2009




Nickname: "Chewie"
Species: Wookie
Height: 7 feet and 4 inches
Weapon: Bowcaster
Language: Shyriiwook (composed largely of grunts and growls)
Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Skills: Has enormous strength, and a skilled mechanic
Known for: Constant companion of Han Solo, co-pilot/first mate of the Millennium Falcon


Ever wonder what would it be like having Chewbacca around your house. For starters, your children will be delighted. Imagine your daughter putting up ribbons and hairbands on Chewbacca's hair and head. To them it is like having a stuff toy, a doll, and a dog rolled into one.

Security and Protection:
If you have a son, i am sure they won't mind having a wookie around. Chewbacca might come in handy in school, those bullies won't be intimidating your kid anymore. They won't dare cause Chewbacca might pull their arm out of their sockets.
This mighty wookie can chaperoned your teen-age daughter at the prom. And if things get out of hand and our prized wookie is outnumbered, he can bring along his bowcaster (a powerful bow and arrow gun).

Mr. Fix-It:
How about house chores? No problem, throwing the trash, fixing the roof, doing the laundry. You don't have to hire a maid, a plumber, a electrician, etc. You could save a lot of time and money.

Personal Driver:
Did i mention that Chewbacca is the co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon and a skilled mechanic. Chewbacca could be your personal driver. How convenient!

Overall, aside from Chewbacca's skills and charmed, his number one asset is loyalty. This wookie greatest strength is not from the outside but from the inside. He is faithful, dependable, devoted, and trustworthy.


Life Debt:
In order to have Chewbacca's full service you should have what you call a "Life Debt". Meaning you should save Chewbacca's life at one particular incident and the wookie will owe you his life. And Life Debt is a valuable part of the Wookie culture. How should i do that? Will i risk my life for Chewbacca's undying servitude. Well, that's the price of Chewbacca! Take it or Leave it!

Language Barrier:
Anybody who knows how to speak Shyriiwook please raise your hands. Shyriiwook? Where in the world is that? You need another Star Wars character like C-3PO or Han Solo to do the translation for you. If you don't have that, you are in big trouble.

What made you think that Chewbacca would fall on your lap instantly. But Chewbacca's owes me a Life Debt! Finder Keepers Baby! First come First serve! Anybody would crave for a wookie like that. With Chewbacca's height and enduring strength, Basketball teams in the NBA will also risk their lives to get Chewbacca's services.

So there, that is Chewbacca in a nutshell. What can Chewbacca do for you? You can leave a comment in order to convince Chewie to come to our world.

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